Set of 3 lavender sachets filled with our dried french lavender (Lavandula x intermedia). Each bag is 2.8" x 3.5". The bags can be placed in a clothes drawer, linen closet, vehicle or other location that you would like to fill with the sweet calming scent of lavender.
Like the black sheep, three bags is enough to scent or share.
These are very nice little bags, a few tablespoons of lavender in a fine mesh. They are about the size of a small mouse and fit more quietly in your pocket. Great for gifting, adding to a bow on a present, infusing something with lavender, tucking in amongst items you want to protect from the attention of moths, even while on display, etc. As the scent fades a bit, it becomes a good platform to add a little lavender scented essential oil. You can also open the bag and strew the flowers around on something freshly sprayed/painted with glue to create a chia-like object d'art. Nothing quite says She-Shed like a lavender encrusted hat or an encrusted beer mug that serves as a penholder holder. Fill some sand-art containers. Go crazy with it!